Mission, Vision & Values

Mission Statement

Newburyport Pride unites, educates, and engages people to support and empower the LGBTQ+ community and our allies, with a focus on inclusion. We work to educate the wider community on diversity topics in order to build a stronger and healthier society. We do this by facilitating LGBTQ+ Pride events that inspire, commemorate and celebrate our diverse community through unity and visibility.

Vision Statement

Newburyport Pride envisions a community where persons with widely diverse gender and sexual identities are embraced, visible, and fully included in social and civic life. We strive to promote an environment that honors differences and fosters inclusion. We honor the diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical attributes, religious/spiritual affiliations, and national origin.

Values Statement

Newburyport Pride values social justice, culture, history, diversity and unity. We believe that a denial of equality for any one aspect of our community is a denial of equality for all.